Friday, April 14, 2006

Educast at NC State

So I have finally put up a podcast on our NC State Wolfcast site! I am so excited! I am really proud of it - and in making a podcast myself - I truly understand the power of this tool.

So please check out Educast at:

Click on the XML "button" and copy that path into your podcast reader, such as iTunes!

Please let me know what you think of our first podcast!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Inspiration via NASA

I can remember being a kid and loving to tinker with things. My dad was great about giving me the broken appliances in the house and trying to figure out what happened to them. Or giving me my brother's xmas presents to put together. I always loved the idea of creating something.

I also had a fascination with flying, and more specifically with astronauts. The 80s were big on space flight, especially for kids and even the Challenger disaster couldn't diminish that. (Sally K. Ride was my hero in 5th grade)

So when I see NASA putting forth contests, even if its to save themseleves money, all I can think of is giving it to a group of high scholl students. Let them step up to the challenge and think outside of the box. Let them learn by their mistakes and striving toward a goal.

It is the projects and the journey that I remember for my schooling (on both sides of the fence) not the lessons. Lets do some "stealth" learning - where they have fun and forget they are there to learn anything.